Update Light

Yeah, yeah, I know, I haven’t written anything in two days (so now is the time to catch up if you’ve been a slacker). We’ve been very busy, and tonight I have to prepare for speaking at the retreat tomorrow morning, so it might turn into three days. So, here is some of the lighter side of the last few days…

Apparently going to the other side of the world causes your body clock to go to the other side of the day, because so far I’m a morning person. Wednesday, 4:30a, Thursday, 4:00a, today 5:30a. We are not amused.

I went into the computer room yesterday morning, and one of the Cambodian disciples (the youth who help with kids club, teach in the computer area, etc.) was on Skype. When I went in he asked me where I was from; I said “America. Texas.” He talked for another second and then asked, “Do you want to talk to someone from Bayside?” (one of the other teams that had been here several months before). So, I put the headphones on and said: “Hello! Who is this?”
“Really, that’s a weird God thing, because this is Vince.”
“Your name is Vincent?”
“No, just Vince.”
“That is weird.”
“Yes, that is weird.”
So, Vince in the U.S. from a previous team talked to Vince in Cambodia from the current team. I’m pretty sure I felt a disturbance in the force…

20101021_Cambodia_0111We want to the Tarantula Place last night (no one on the team knows the real name of the restaurant). Everyone got their picture taken (well, everyone except Kelly and our IJM staffer, who refused to touch it), and Alf, Amy, and Allen partook (we went in alphabetical order, and ran out of spiders before we got to the ‘B’s). I did get some of the red ant and beef dinner, which was actually quite tasty (and, as Mr. Barry says, I’m not making any of this up).

This afternoon we went to Bloom Cafe and had cupcakes that were a third of the size of a regular cupcake and approximately 28 times the calories. They were unbelievable. They had sample cakes all over the cafe, including a complete Noah’s Ark, all made by hand, all edible (cake or sugar decorations). I would show you a picture, but, no photos. I would have snuck a picture with my phone, but I was occupied eating another cupcake…

There’s been lots of heavier stuff, but I’ll save that for the blog. Just know that Satan is alive and well. But, greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. You don’t often get to go from black to white and back to black in the space of three seconds, but you do here. Most of us have whiplash.

Keep praying! The IJM retreat is tomorrow (Saturday) morning, which is Friday night for America. Pray that their spirits will be encouraged by our time together.

More later!

One thought on “Update Light

  1. We love you guys and are praying for you. We're praying for the ministry He has laid out for you and all of those whose lives will be changed (Cambodian and Texan) because you are there.

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